Sighting in a Scorpyd Crossbow
Sighting in your new Scorpyd Crossbow is very easy to do, so long as the correct procedure is followed. It is best to use a bench rest or a gun vise, as these will quicken the procedure. If a bench or rest is not available to you, make sure that you have a way to steady the crossbow. Make sure that the area you are using to shoot your crossbow appropriate, that your target is adequate for your crossbow, and that there is nothing behind the target that can be damaged or harmed if you miss the target. If you shoot indoors, make sure that you have at least 3″ thick solid plywood behind your target, as a wall will not stop the arrow from going all the way through, potentially injuring someone on the opposite side.
Mounting your Scope
Mount your scope as shown in the owners manual. For maximum accuracy, it is critical that the scope is mounted perfectly square, that is that the vertical and horizontal lines in the bow are aligned correctly.
Bench Rest Sighting Procedure
Before you cock your crossbow, get your setup ready. Make sure that your crossbow will fit in, or on, the device you are using. Sight through your scope and align your center crosshair with the target, making sure that where you aiming your crossbow will hit the target you are shooting at.
Cock your crossbow, put on the safety, and place the crossbow in the vise or on the bags. Visually inspect the area around your crossbow to make sure that there are no obstructions that may be struck when the bow is shot. You must hold the crossbow with both hands, one hand on the pistol grip, the other holding the forearm. WARNING: Keep all body parts and foreign objects out of the flight path of the string and limb movement path. Do NOT roll your front hand up on the side of the barrel while holding the cocked crossbow! If you are unsure about the impact point of the first shot, shoot at a distance of 10 yards.
Fine tuning your scope is just like you would do with a rifle scope, chase the arrow. You do this by aiming the crosshairs at the exact same spot on the target that you shot at, and move the crosshairs to the point of impact of the arrow. This is where the vise comes in handy. It will hold the bow for you while you adjust the scope. Remove your arrow, and now back up to 20 yards and shoot again. Adjust your scope as needed, until you get the point of impact where it is in the bullseye. NOTE: remove your arrow after each shot OR aim at a different spot on the target, otherwise you will damage your arrows by hitting the arrow in the target with a followup shot. This should only take 3-4 shots.
When using the variable speed scope, you will center your first crosshair at 20 yards. Adjust the speed dial on your scope to the speed your crossbow is shooting. After zeroing in at 20 yards, back up to 40 or 50 yards. Use the appropriate crosshair (3rd or 4th) and shoot 3 times at the target. (aim at different spots) Ideally, your arrow will hit in the correct spots, for a tight “group”. If this is not the case, you will need to adjust the speed dial on the scope. If your point of impact is low, turn the speed dial to a slower speed setting, if your point of impact is high, turn the speed dial to a higher speed setting. Adjustments should be made in approximately 10 f.p.s. increments. Return to 20 yards to insure that you are still dead on with your first crosshair, then go back to 40 or 50 yards and check for correct speed setting.
Always make sure that you practice at the distances you plan on hunting at. Don’t assume the the point of impact is where the scope is set.
Sighting in Without a Bench Rest
The procedure is the same, except that you will need to determine a comfortable way to steady the crossbow. Make sure that you keep all body parts and foreign objects out of the way of the string path and the limb movement path.
If your point of impact at 20 yards is dead on, but your longer distance shot is to one side or the other, this is usually an indicator that your scope is not mounted square. If you are consistently impacting to the right of the bullseye, rotate your scope counterclockwise, and clockwise if you are hitting left of the bullseye. NOTE: use only a very little amount of rotation when making these adjustments.
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